

Executive Summary: Development of the human rights situation in Germany. July 2020 — June 2021

Report to the German Federal Parliament in accordance with section 2 (5) of the Act on the Legal Status and Mandate of the German Institute for Human Rights

The German Institute for Human Rights annually submits a report on the development of the human rights situation in Germany to the German Federal Parliament (in accordance with sec. 2 para. 5 of the Act regarding the Legal Status and Mandate of the German Institute for Human Rights of 16 July 2015; short: DIMRG). The DIMRG provides that the German Federal Parliament officially responds to the report. The sixth report covers the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

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Themen: Asyl und Migration, Entwicklungspolitik, Kinderrechte, Rassistische Diskriminierung, Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen, Rechte Älterer, Rechtsstaat, Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte
Herausgeber*in: German Institute for Human Rights

Größe: (PDF, 184 KB)
URN: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-78718-5
Seiten: 14
Erschienen: 12/2021

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