
The German Institute for Human Rights houses a human rights library open to the public. The library offers print and electronic media, including reference books and the most important journals on international and European human rights policy and protection. It also contains extensive holdings on current research related to human rights.
We provide three computers for personal use and Internet access, including access to licensed e-journals and e-books. WiFi for personal notebooks is also available.

Online catalogue

Are you looking for literature on a human rights topic? Enter a keyword here.
If you click on "Search", you will be taken directly to our online catalogue.

Opening hours

The library is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Using the library is only possible after prior registration. To register, please email us at bib-info(at)

Holdings and services

You can borrow books over the weekend. If you want to use our scanner, please bring an USB stick with you. We will be happy to give you a briefing on how the device works. On a limited basis, we can provide you with copies of articles and book chapters that are only available in our library.

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