
How the Child's Right to Participation Can be Promoted in German Development Cooperation

The interdisciplinary study is the result of a project on children’s rights in development policy at the German Institute for Human Rights between 2012 and 2014. The study is based on legal analysis of children’s participation rights and a social science analysis of focus group discussions with children in Guatemala, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and Serbia as well as interviews with development professionals, including in Germany. Based on this material, this study provides practical advice on how children’s rights can be supported by German development cooperation and promoted as part of its implementation. We hope it will inspire and encourage decision-makers in German development policy and development professionals to better incorporate children’s participation rights in their work.

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Autor*in: Lena Stamm, Lissa Bettzieche
Themen: Entwicklungspolitik, Kinderrechte
Herausgeber*in: German Institute for Human Rights

Größe: (PDF, 1,19 MB)
ISBN: 978-3-945139-61-5 (PDF)
Seiten: 88
Erschienen: 02/2015

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