Oxford University Press Journals
The library offers full-text access to all electronic journals in the Oxford University Press Humanities and Social Sciences section (alliance licence) up to the year of publication 2020. The publisher's website offers a detailed article search by journal issue or by selected journal title.
Oxford Academic: Journals
Sage Journals Humanities and Social Sciences
The library offers full-text access to all electronic journals in the Sage Journals Humanities and Social Sciences section (alliance licence). The publisher's website offers a detailed article search for all available journal issues or in selected specialised or individual journal titles.
SAGE Journals
Springer Nature Journals
The library offers full-text access to almost all electronic journals published by Springer Nature. Access is made possible by the Institute's participation in the nationwide DEAL contract. The contract, concluded in January 2020, grants all participating institutions read-only access to the entire Springer Nature journal portfolio, dating back to 1997. An overview of the journals is available on the publisher's website. You can also search for content within an individual journal.
Springer Nature Journals